google shopping
help potential customers find, compare and purchase your products online
what is Google shopping?
Google Shopping is a service provided by Google to allow consumers to search, view and compare physical products for sale from retailers who have paid to advertise their products. This is also know as a Comparison Shopping Engine (CSE) Google Shopping Ads place your products in front of consumers at a time they are ready to purchase. Google Shopping is a visual format to attract customers, much like a shop window.
If you have ever bought a product online, and let's face it most of us have, then you will already be familiar with Google Shopping - even if you think you are not. The products which retailers sell though Google Shopping show up at the top of the search engine results page as well as under the 'shopping' tab.
For example, a search for 'white trainers' will first bring you to the sponsored ads for white trainers.
Selecting the shopping tab then takes you to the Google Shopping page where you can filter your search results depending on the product you are looking at.
In our example pictured here, we can filter 'white trainers' by price, size and change colour too.
24/7 shopping
Google Adwords & Google merchant centre
Google Adwords is where you set up and run your shopping campaigns. You can control your budget, bids and settings such as targeted locations and ad scheduling.
Google Merchant Centre is where the 'shopping feed' for your campaign will live along with the important attributes of the products for sale such as EAN, price, colour and ISBN.
shopping campaigns
We have helped a number of ecommerce clients with their shopping campaigns and delivered profitable, measurable results. We are driven by data and will analyse your accounts, looking at historic trends and recent figures to ensure we make informed decisions about how best to optimise your Google Shopping Campaigns.
The correct optimisation of your shopping feeds is crucial as incorrect or missing information can see your feeds being disapproved by Google. Optimised product titles and descriptions are crucial to whether your shopping ad gets shown too. We have plenty of experience in getting disapproved feeds approved by Google.